–To potentially high memory encoded?

Phenomenon in the world.
Accumulation of phenomena are building world.

Be assured that deposits of pure behavior, I created from the necessity of an active, surely it is that part of the world is, I have to be in the world.

Being human in this world own judgment that he lost once again as "back to the future ought to be", after all only as a minor physical features talk of giving has historical significance.

Daily in addition to infinitely large amounts of information to are added to the already chaotic world and spread capitalist myth and man's fundamental desire of time axis and brainwashing. You have to recognize there we have like 1 tablet human grain, grains of pepper in the world produced obsession should go under the name of "evolution", devoted to the greed and death. It was tiny human beings or at large is not rethinking the future that is compiled into the past.

Age and every age an important factor. During during the fight, when independent, integrated during the, during free. Perspective of the era as the year now, with the historical present is editing and rethinking. No longer ended era of evolution and dramatic change. We are overflowing coal carts have not had picked up. You must depart from the consciousness that actually recognized, to recognize his own. "Pieces", "imaginary" leads to "ischemic" diversity from the form the conceptual world of diversity.

Watch "pieces" by seeing what is behind the "piece", and watching the shadows of existence. That breaks out there, are supposed to be there without notice.

I use as much of the body, in the phenomenon. I have a phenomenon, phenomena is me. No matter how much dissipated, however, do not forget that formed part of 1 regional we have on the planet with the. I can't stand to escape from the "culture" is hard to leave formation particle man rests how awareness of diversity and have a global and macroscopic perspective. Flora and fauna they enjoyed in small changes in it environment changes and what is not.

We would however not formed only a small part of the planet, only in grain and grain. Environment is what particles are scattered throughout as standard. It is what it is at the root of global nature and biodiversity.

The world is connected by standard. I have for the future ought to be back to the omnipresent consciousness of the potential from the now as a historical present.

12 KAJIMA sculpture contest award